Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Samara in Paradise

Shana, Samara, and I are doing well and attempting to get into a routine; although, this has proven to have been a formitable challenge. Samara has developed a case of baby acne, resulting from hormones exchanged through her mother's milk (hopefully it'll clear up before she's 6 months!). Other than that, Samara seems to be in good health...and spirits! Shana started work last week, originally planning to work two-and-a-half days for a total of 20 hours (the half-day being Wednesday). However, after the first week she stated that "I felt like there were three days where is didn't get to spend time with Samara." As a consequence, she has decided to work her scheduled 20-hour week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The ever changing routine; or will this routine permanently be in a flux? A resultant of Shana working again, we have begun to take "night duty" with Samara. The nights before Shana works, I take care of Samara while Shana rests throughout the night and vice versa. So far, this schedule has had great results...as long as we make sure not to wake our spouse. Samara typically awakens a couple of times during the night from hunger. Last night, for example, Samara awoke at 2 a.m. and, of course, was hungry. I whisked her from her craddle before she could squawk and wake Shana, changed her diaper, and read some of the Time Machine by H.G. Wells while feeding her. Samara and I returned to bed around 3 a.m. However, Saturday and Sunday night, Samara slept throughout (or was it the whiskey?...just kidding!).

The first few days after a baby is born, the infant will lose weight. Occasionally, the baby will lose up to 10% of its body mass. Ideally, pediatritions would like to see the infant gain the weight back by 2 weeks after birth (In Samara's case, she weighed 9 lbs 4 oz at birth). While at the hospital, Samara weighed 8 lbs 10 oz a day before discharge and 8 lbs 12 oz at discharge. We had an appointment scheduled with our pediatrition, Dr. Booth, for 10 days after Samara's birth; 1 week after her discharge date. We expected Samara to be below her birth weight. Dr. Booth is a nice person and seemed to be truly devoted to her profession; she counsilled us on providing a positive environment for raising Samara, which included finding someone to babysit so we could go on a date! Dr. Booth's nurse weighed Samara and relayed a weight of 9 lbs. 11 oz!!! At that rate (1 pound per week), she'll grow up very quickly. Over the past few days, we've tried to weigh her on the scale; weighing myself and Samara and the passing Samara to Shana, then subtracting the weights. You should be pleased to hear that she isn't up to 16 pounds, but around 10-11 pounds...resulting in a step up in diaper size (size 2)!

Shana and I have taken Samara on several journeys since our return to Colorado. Last weekend we went to downtown Denver to the Savory Spice Shop (not an adult establishment) and Samara was blown away at the strong aroma emanating from the store. Well, I'm not sure if she was blown away, but it had to have been a slap to the senses! Shana also took her to Lakewood for a visit at the USGS facilities and I have introduced her to many people whom I see on a regular basis. I would imagine her favorite place to visit is the Geology Department's Secretary/Admin room where 4 mothers (and grandmother) are always ready and willing to shower her with attention. If I ever need a compliment about Samara, this is where I can go! We also partake in evening, sometimes morning, walks (daily, for the most part) to introduce Samara to the "elements". She seems to enjoy these expeditions and routinely falls asleep on the long 30-45 minute voyage throughout the neighborhood. From her point of view, I can imagine, she is in paradise!



Anonymous said...

I am so happy to see pictures of Samara. Mommy always shows me the blog and makes the pictures bigger. I like seeing Samara. Is she walking yet? Can she talk? I talk all the time but nobody understands what I say. I want to talk with Samara when I see her in a couple of months. I go now. I poopy.

Anonymous said...

We are always happy to see updates of your wee one. We enjoy the blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris and Shana and Samara, I reallly enjoy reading all your experiences learning to be parents. It is a wonderful Trip, and not always enjoyable but is well worth any adversities. The pictures are great and Samara is growing so fast. She is a beautiful little? girl. She certainly doesn't look her age, she looks like 6 mo. old. I know your are struggling with the working and being parents. Life certainly changes doesn't it. I really wanted to come out with your Mom Shana but I just can't right now, but some day I hope to get to visit you guys in Colorado. It has been really hot here, we are supposed to get some very needed rain tomorrow. You guys look very happy and Samara looks like a little princess enjoying all the attention. Love, Mary Newton