Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Home at last!

We finally made it home at 12:30 PM Monday, June 26th with a detour to the local grocery store (where I had my first bawling child in a public place; I had to smile...welcome to parenthood!). The last few days have been wonderful, as well as interesting. The best part has been holding Samara and witness her stare back, learning our faces, for minutes at a time. Returning to normalcy, or redefining normalcy, will be a welcoming journey, which will take time and work! Samara's first night at home was "stressful", to say the least. It seemed I was back at the hospital on the couch in Shana's room. Tonight should be better!?!? From an animal reaction standpoint, Orion disregarded Samara with little interest while Cassi stood on her hind legs watching with curiosity as Shana played with Samara on our bed. I've provided a few more photos of our last days at the hospital. I hope you enjoy them!



Anonymous said...

Aaaawwwwweeee! I teared up. And Victoria said, "Samara." I'm glad you guys are enjoying Samara.

Kristy said...

She's so CUTE!! You guys did a great job:) I am glad you are happy and having fun with Samara!

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful. I can't wait to meet her!