There are many things a father has to prepare himself for when raising a daughter. Most of those items occur around the glorious Age Of Puberty: dating (and everything associated with that), kissing boys, breasts, etc. As parents, that’s when we discover how difficult we were as children. Fortunately, parents have at least a decade to prepare for those days halcyon days. Unfortunately, parents are rarely ready!
So, this leads us to the “joyous”…I mean stressful… time before Christmas: lights, trees, and joyous songs. The time when you aren’t sure what to buy your favorite relatives and hope that what you get them is adequate. And, if you have enough cojones, you “slyishly” ask them what they want. Well, for a 2-and-a-half year old, you never know…unless you ask. My mistake! Samara’s answer: “make-up”! Panic attack for Daddy…puberty is around the corner!
Other Christmas photos:
As a stocking stuffer, we gave Samara a set of Tinkerbell underwear. She must have loved the gift because she undressed herself (relatively quickly, I might add), stripped off her underwear, and put on her new Tinkerbell underwear. I have never seen a child act so enthusiastically toward underwear, ever.
Good luck to everyone and your New Year's resolution(s). My resolution is to loose 5 pounds...hey, you gotta start small!