Most of you may have heard the news by now, but for those of you who haven’t, Shana has been invaded by parasite. Yes, the kind that grow over a nine-month period and weigh approximately 8 pounds! Although this one won't burst from her stomach...well, it might be like that!
We found out that we were expecting in September and officially let the news out at the end of October; the due date is sometime in the end of April. Shortly before Thanksgiving, we found out that we are having a boy! I’m a little terrified actually! Samara has been great, so I’m a little scared that the next one will be totally different (especially now that we know it is a boy). I hear two stories: 1) that the 2nd child will usually behave the same and 2) that the children will be totally different and that the next child will be a terror (ouch)! Stay tuned...
I asked Shana if she wanted to schedule a c-section on April 22nd, Earth Day. She responded with something like “Do you want me to shoot you!” I take it Earth Day is out of the question.
Samara has been wonderful over the course of the last few months. We have been preparing her for the change, telling her that she’s going to have to share mommy and daddy with the new baby, asking her if she’ll help us with the baby, etc. Shana asked her one evening if she was going to help feed the baby…Samara responded with a “yes”…then I asked her if she was going to change the baby’s diaper…she responded with a “yes”. I’ll hold her to it!
Samara is very excited about the new baby. When we first told her Shana was pregnant, Samara wanted a sister. However, she has grown to the idea of a baby brother and has even adopted the name of one off her school teacher’s newborn: “Baby Bryson!”
She understands where the baby is at; If Samara accidentally hits Shana’s belly, Shana will say “watch out”, which Samara promptly says “Sorry baby!”
Samara has begun to carry a baby doll around and insists on having a play bottle around to feed it. One day Shana was going to get groceries and Samara wanted to go…she also wanted to take her baby doll. Before Shana could say anything, I told Samara that if she was going to take the baby, that she needed to get some diapers, baby wipes, and the bottle. Shana was very thrilled at that!
Some interesting Samara-character-development stories:
Samara now knows that the Starbucks sign means “coffee”, as she yells it every time we pass a Starbucks!
Samara watched the Harry Potter movies for 2 months straight; she knows most of the main characters and talks “Harry Potter” with one of the teachers, who is an avid fan!
Samara got in trouble at school one day because she somehow convinced the other school children in her class to start saying “poop”. From what I hear, it was an interesting day.
This will be Samara’s 3rd Christmas, but the 1st where she really has an understanding of what all the commotion is about. So, we asked her after Thanksgiving what she wanted for Christmas and she replied, “make-up”! Help me!
Samara has been potty trained since early October; only two accidents since then! She loves wearing her “princess” and Dora underwear!
Several of Samara's favorite songs over the last several months have been "I'm In The Mood (for a Melody)" by Robert Plant, "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" by Gayla Peevy, and her ABC's song, which she sings..."ABCDEF poop HIJKLMNO poop QRSTU poop WXY poop". I hear every child goes through a poop fascination...
And some photos...