Samara is now a year old; as we look at the birth of our friends’ (Brad and Amy) child, Ean, it’s amazing to see how fast they grow. Samara began taking her first steps on July 18 and we were lucky enough to video her achievement. We’ve posted several walking videos on our Myspace account (click here and select videos under her picture). Since then, Samara has really taken off; never crawling and always walking!
Samara also received a belated birthday gift from our good friend Alli (and Brian) in Colorado. Alli started making it about a year ago and was able to send it in the mail before they left for a backpacking trip in Wyoming. Samara absolutely loved it and we were able to capture it on video. We've also posted it to our MySpace account, click here.
The annual World Cup of Softball was held in
Samara hanging out with mom at the ballpark!
Even though Samara isn’t old enough to realize the importance, I think it was a great opportunity to expose her to the world of female athletes! A few of our other favorites are Jennie Finch, Natasha Watley, and Crystl Bustos.
Natasha Watley
Crystl Bustos
Shana, Samara, our friend Jerrod, and I decided to take a day trip to the Chickasaw National Recreation Area in Sulphur, Oklahoma. We enjoyed the famous Vendome Well (and its sulphurous odor for which the town is named) and tasted its 8,000 year old waters. After Vendome, and lunch, we took a 2-mile round trip hike to see Antelope and Buffalo springs. The plan was to do a little wading in the spring water; however, the springs were flowing so much that any wading by Samara would have been swimming. Coupled with sub 60 degree water, we decided to forgo that portion of the excursion. Samara did get her feet wet at Buffalo Spri
ng; as soon as her feet touched the water, we heard a great gasp emanate from her little body. After leaving th CNRA, we headed to the Blue River where we actually were able to wade a little; the water was flowing too fast to let Samara explore on her own.
Samara enjoyed the risk in touching the frigid water at Buffalo Spring!
Samara was beginning to get tuckered out toward the end of our journey at the Blue River...
One last family photo opportunity!
We are enjoying our time with our families and work has been great (at least for me - Chris). Samara's Rapunzel-like hair continues to grow! It is so hard to manage (especially when she eats) that Shana is thinking about trimming it!! Samara has also learned where the trash is, which is extremely helpful! Now she can throw her dirty diapers away! She is currently going through a phase (I hope) where she calls me mommy and refuses to give me a kiss when I ask for it! She also likes to give kisses to trees....we have begun the successful raising of a "tree hugger"!
Her vocabulary continues to grow; some new words include wall, duck, weeeeeee, poopy (which is hard to distinguish from puppy), and she has begun to say Orion! Her favorite foods include peas, rice, broccoli, plums, peaches, mandarin oranges, blueberries, whatever Shana and I are eating, and cat food! Samara and Orion get into fights over the cat food!
Below are some random photos we have snapped since the last blog entry. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the dog days of summer! Take care!
As evident when she pointed to the sky!
Is Orion driving? I had to throw this one on the web!
Samara's flowing hair while bathing...
Samara hanging out with Amy and unborn Ean!
Samara learning to walk with her scooter!
Samara after chowing down on a plum!
Shana and Samara sitting by the pool at Grandma Mashburn's house. Samara is sporting her bikini she received at her birthday party.