Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Hurling Dervish!

The dust has settled from our long journey to Oklahoma and the tires are cooling off! I would say that we are back into our routine, but for us, back to routine signifies a change in routine. The circle of daily life has changed; most importantly, Samara began daycare on Monday, December 11th at the child care facility within the Federal Center where Shana works. She says it's nice to be able to take a 5-minute walk to see her, feed her, and be happy with her. Samara may not know of our ever changing routine yet, but she sure knows how to chill out (in her exersaucer)!

I woke up on the last Thursday before she started daycare and thought, with hint of sadness, "this will be our last day to hang out." I decided to give her a bath and put her in some "nice" clothes for a photography session. Actually, I gave her her first shower and she loved drinking from the shower head and playing in the streams of water (see photo below)! She gave me her best for several minutes during the photo session before deciding she was hungry and started to cry (oh, I mean whine, as I've never seen her shed a tear)! Like a spoiled superstar, Samara got what she wanted. In this case, bananas and oatmeal.

It was a very interesting moment, waking her up at 6:30 in the morning for her first trip to daycare (when her usual wake-up time is around 9:00-10:00 in the AM). Her look of confusion and brief disgruntlement was intriguing as she tried to jockey for a stable position within our arms, wanting to sleep for several more hours. Her first couple of days in daycare were uneventful; although the teachers noted that everytime one of the infants cried, Samara would chime in with her own vocals of the same song!

As always, a parent loves hearing compliments about their child. In our case, her long highlighted hair is one that is most often verbalized when Shana would visit Samara in daycare. Of course, when does a parent look at their child and think "what an awful looking baby"? I know I seen children and thought "how can that parent not think their child could scare a blind person"? Oh my!

There was a sound that echoed throughout my dreams. A sound that didn't sound right; it didn't fit in. I arose suddenly at approximately 11:30 Tuesday evening (after Samara's second day of daycare) with the dreadful fears that something was terribly wrong with my child. I was about to jump over Shana to the crib (which is on Shana's side of the bed) when Shana awoke with the same since of urgency. We bound to Samara's aid; she had, to say it eloquently, deposited her evening's meal on her mattress. Needless to say, that was not the end of the drama. Several minutes later, after we had turned out the lights and nestled her in bed between us (sharing our warmth), we heard the familiar sound of gushing liquid. Within a flash, the lights were on and we were cleaning up the second mess.

It was disturning watching my child look up at me with bewilderment as her body convulsed a spewed forth quantities of liquid, which I would not have guessed her little stomach could have held. And after each time she convulsed, she would look at me and smile. From that point forward, I knew everything was going to be ok with my girl.

The drama continued on throughout the night and into the morning. We were able to get in to see the pediatrician that morning, who informed us that their office had been seeing a large number this type of case (within infants) in the last couple of weeks. The verdict, Samara should be back to herself within a week. I now know what people mean concerning children picking up unwanted organisms in a classroom environment. But, on the brightside, she's building her immunity!

But wait!! The drama doesn't end with our characters! If you are wondering what the story is with the last photograph, read on!

Samara was well into the path of recovery when I awoke Thursday morning. Shana has sick-leave hours at work that she can take in case of a family sickness; so she stayed with Samara while I went to school. Shana called at about 1PM feeling sick to her stomach...etc etc. Same story different book! Shana is now recoverying from what Samara brought home from daycare. The photo above was taken Thursday morning (before Shana was sick); Samara slept half of the night with us. The significance of the photo? Well, where do I (Chris) sleep? I see about 5 inches to Samara's left where I can sleep on my side; Orion keeps my feet warm! Welcome to parenthood!

That, my friends, is the story of the Hurling Dervish!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Say Thanks!

We awoke at 2:30 AM Mountain Standard Time to disembark on our long trek across the Great Plains to a land meaning "red people" in the Choctaw language; A land otherwise known as Oklahoma. The sky was a pitch black background with spreckles of whitish pinpoints; Orion was our companion for part of the journey, until the brilliant light of dawn came glaring over the eastern horizon and the great hunter departed! Before dawn we actually witnessed several Leonid meteors streaking across the sky before the peak of the annual shower. Shortly after the sun began to peak over the horizon, Samara awoke as if called upon by the sun to shine happiness on the day (see picture above)!

We arrived in Oklahoma at about 4:00 PM local time; no surprises on the drive home! Everyone was happy to see us (we think) and were able share in Samara's everyday activities. Aunt Shannon had a blast holding Samara as she would stick her tongue out and blow air out, spraying a mist of sweet potatoes and oatmeal! We have since figured out that Samara loves bananas and liquefied lamb (I know, gross) while she hates peas!

This must be liquefied lamb!

Cousin Tori "allowed" Samara to play with several of her toys. However, Tori gave Samara a quick whack to the head with her foot one evening! I swear, if Samara ends up retarded, I will blame cousin Tori!

Or I may blame Grandpa Neel and his "naval destroyer" (as he poked Samara's belly button with his finger)!

Samara particularly enjoyed playing with Tori's Noah's Ark play set, well, when Tori would let her play with it! Tori is a funny child; One minute she takes the toys away from Samara, the next she gives Samara toys to play with. I suppose she wasn't sure whether Samara was a friend or foe! They generally had fun together. Although this image to the right looks like Samara is farting in Tori's general direction...Tori looks gassed!

Samara also had a chance to bond with Grandma Masburn when she babysat while we went to see a movie in the theatre. Grandma learned some quirks of Samara's...we won't go into details!

Samara has acquired the ability to sit up by herself without support. During Thanksgiving we hoped by the time we go back home for Christmas that she may be crawling; however, I'm not sure that'll happen!

Samara's great-grandmother is an onry women; we playfully butt heads everytime we're home. So, I had to laugh when almost everytime she held Samara, Samara would start crying! Oh, I have never seen Samara shed one tear (i.e. crying without tears). What a punk!

Samara and "mommy" enjoyed time together at my mother's house. I think there was some whiskey in Shana's cup because she looks really happy! Maybe some Jack Daniels and eggnog?

Grandma Neel (aka, Sgt Slaughter, Messin' with the Hessin, or the Germanator) also had fun with Samara; although this time, grandma didn't sit on Samara!

Unfortunately, my grandfather had a heart attack in my mother's living room the night before Thanksgiving. Shana made me proud as she performed CPR on the old 96-year-old body (as she was the only one trained in the technique). It was a sad day, but he lived a full life! I am proud to be his grandson!

As a result of his death, we stayed a few extra days in Oklahoma to help clear out his house and attend his funeral. He owned a Ford pickup which, go figure, needed to be towed! And after we drove the truck onto the trailer, guess who figured out how to secure the vehicle? Yep, that's my wife (and daughter)!! Shana had just purchased the backpack carrier...and Samara loves it! As happy as can be no matter the conditions!

The extra time also gave Samara a chance to meet her cousin John for the first time and, as a consequence, all three Neel babies were together for the first time. We snapped these images at my grandmother and grandfather's (on my mother's side) gravesite; I hope they were able to witness the sight in some way or another.

Who is this guy?

I like this grass stuff...tastes a bit overcooked though!

Leaves taste good too!

John does a good job keeping my back warm! Maybe we can be best buds sometime!

And of course, look who is NOT cooperating! TAZ!

We we able to get the kiddo's together for one last picture. I don't envy anyone who has three young one's to corral (Brian and Kelli!!)!

We were exhausted at the end of our stay in Oklahoma. We didn't leave until about 9:00 AM Central Standard Time and for the second year in a row, we were caught in a blizzard driving back from Tahnksgiving. Remembering back, that was around the time of the immense "firestorm" in Oklahoma. I know my mother was close to the action as well as Brad and Amy in Oklahoma City! So, we say Thanks for the holidays and the good times and good fortune! Especially the holidays...for the white man putting down the "red people" (You know the song we sang in elementary..."This land is our land, this land is our land, from Califormia...etc etc").

The day after we returned to Colorado, Samara was happy to be in the presence of her animal guardians, Orion (The Hunter) and Cassiopeia (The Queen). It was back to business as Samara laughed at the cats while they ate kitty treats.